Common Truck Dispatcher Forms

If you’re starting a truck dispatcher company, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the different forms used in the industry. This article will provide an overview of the most common truck dispatcher forms so you can get started on the right foot.


Dispatch Authorization Form

The dispatch authorization form gives truck dispatchers the authority to dispatch drivers on behalf of their company, which can be a liability if something goes wrong. This form should include the company’s name, address, contact information, driver’s name, track number, and desired route.

Dispatch Authorization Form

Company Name:




Track Number:



Trucking Company Information Form

The trucking company information form collects basic information about a trucking company. This form should include the company’s name, address, contact information, and trucking authority number. 

This form is crucial because it helps trucking companies keep track of their paperwork and ensure that they comply with the law.

Trucking Company Information Form

Company Name:



Trucking Authority Number:


Driver Information Form

The driver information form collects basic information about a truck driver. This form should include the driver’s name, address, contact information, truck number, and license plate number. 

This form is essential because it helps trucking companies keep track of their drivers and ensure that they comply with the law.

Driver Information Form

Driver’s Name:



Truck Number:

License Plate Number:


Trip Sheet

The trip sheet tracks a driver’s trip details. This form should include the driver’s name, truck ID number, origin, destination, and mileage. 

This form helps trucking companies track their drivers’ progress and ensure they are on schedule.

Trip Sheet

Driver’s Name:

Truck Number:





Shipping Paper

The shipping paper form documents the details of a shipment. This form should include the shipper’s name, address, contact information, and the consignee’s name, address, and contact information. 

This form is important because it helps trucking companies keep track of their shipments and ensure that they comply with the law.

Shipping Paper

Shipper’s Name:



Consignee’s Name:




Delivery Receipt

The delivery receipt documents the details of delivery. This form should include the driver’s name, truck id number, origin, destination, and mileage. 

This form is important because it helps trucking companies track their drivers’ progress and ensure they are on schedule.

Delivery Receipt

Driver’s Name:

Truck Number:





Load Information Form

The load information form collects basic information about a truckload. This form should include the shipper’s name, address, contact information, and the consignee’s name, address, and contact information. 

This form is important because it helps trucking companies keep track of their loads and ensure that they comply with the law.

Load Information Form

Shipper’s Name:



Consignee’s Name:




Billing Statement

The billing statement documents the details of a trucking company’s charges. This form should include the trucking company’s name, address, contact information, and the customer’s name, address, and contact information. 

This form is important because it helps trucking companies keep track of their charges and ensure that they are in compliance with the law.

Billing Statement

Trucking Company’s Name:



Customer’s Name:





Trucking companies use a variety of forms to help them dispatch drivers and track shipments. The most common forms are the trip sheet, shipping paper, delivery receipt, load information form, and billing statement. These forms are important because they help trucking companies stay organized and comply with the law. 

If you’re an entrepreneur considering starting a trucking company, familiarize yourself with these forms to get your business off to a smooth start.