How Does Trucking Dispatch Work?

If you’re looking to start a trucking dispatch company, this article will give you a detailed overview of the operational side of how a trucking dispatch company works. You’ll learn what a dispatcher does, what dispatching in trucking entails, and more. 


Typical Work Day

While the details change day to day, a trucking dispatcher will complete the same types of tasks each day.

Check-ins and Load Assignments

The first thing a truck dispatcher does is check-ins. They need to know what loads are available and which trucks are available to haul them. This information helps them plan out the day. Once they have this information, they can start assigning loads to trucks.

Route Management

After loads have been assigned, the truck dispatcher needs to start working on route management. This task involves planning out the most efficient paths for the trucks to take. 

They must consider factors like traffic, construction, weather, and more. The goal is to get the load delivered on time while also saving money on fuel and other costs.


Throughout the day, the truck dispatcher needs to communicate with drivers and clients to receive and give updates on load status and ETAs. They also need to be ready to answer any questions that come up.

Load Tracking

Throughout the day, the truck dispatcher will track the drivers’ progress. They need to know if they’re on schedule, if there are any delays, and if everything is going according to plan. This information helps them make adjustments as needed. 

Think Ahead

A good truck dispatcher always thinks ahead. They need to prepare for anything that might come up. Potential factors include traffic delays, accidents, weather changes, and more. By thinking ahead, they ensure that the drivers are always safe and making on-time deliveries.

Know the Ability and Limits of Your Drivers

A good truck dispatcher knows their drivers’ strengths and weaknesses, which helps them assign loads and routes within the driver’s ability. It also helps them be prepared for anything that might come up.

End of Day

The truck dispatcher needs to do a few things at the end of the day. First, they need to check in with the drivers to see how their day went. They also need to update the clients on any changes during the day. Finally, they need to do some paperwork like logging miles driven, and loads hauled.

Know Your Technology

A good truck dispatcher needs to know their technology. They need to be able to use the dispatch software and the GPS. They also need to be able to troubleshoot any problems that might come up.


Decide if Truck Dispatching is Right for You

A truck dispatcher’s job is to ensure that the drivers are safe and making on-time deliveries. They do this by assigning loads to trucks, planning routes, communicating with drivers and clients, and tracking progress. 

Trucking dispatch has come a long way in recent years, thanks to technology making the job much easier. If you’re interested in becoming a truck dispatcher, explore online training courses you can take.